
Channel the entity "Jeff Parker" from beyond the Ether

Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Hey East Coasters and near-Midwesters, Lieber and I will be at the BALTIMORE COMICON this weekend, so you have to come out. You have to come out anyway just to see what curse will haunt the show this year. Will it be a new Beltway Sniper or a hurricane (more likely)? I've been wanting to do this show for years-- it's put on by Marc Nathan, the courageous retailer who put all those 9-cent Fantastic Four comics in the local newspaper a couple of years ago. And there'll be a convention report, 'course.

By the way, I'm still not really on the internet. I can't get DSL at the new house, so I'm waiting for COMCAST to squeeze me into their busy schedule this weekend-- wait, I'll be in Baltimore! Well, Allie knows how to open the door and let cable installers in. Then I will single-handedly stop this exodus of the blogosphere that's been going on.


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