
Channel the entity "Jeff Parker" from beyond the Ether

Friday, June 30, 2006

Leaky Kirk 

Leonard "Lookame! I'm a genius!" Kirk has put some more AGENTS OF ATLAS art up at his blog for all to see. Thankfully he's chopped up the panels a bit so people can't piece together the story and thus have things spoiled for them.

Boy is it already Friday? When you spend half the week in airport terminals, you really lose track of time. If you didn't know AmericaWest and US Airways have merged, you might want to consider that before booking a flight with them, and all the confusion such a thing causes. Maybe after summer they'll have their act together.

I hope many of you are going to Shelton Drum's HEROES convention this weekend, it's going to be some show. And I'd like to hear reports from it if there are any. I leave you a "fitting" tribute to Alex Toth by David Oakes, HERE. And if you don't know David's insane hobby, then you'll get what I meant by "fitting" when you click over there.


Monday, June 26, 2006

Monday Avenging 

MARVEL ADVENTURES: THE AVENGERS #2 is on shelves now, with a story I could only call "The Leader Has A Big Head." Honestly, that was just a placeholder title until I thought of the real one, but everyone thought it was fine so it stayed. There's a review at Silver Bullet Comicbooks up that you can read until you make it to the comics shop.


Thursday, June 22, 2006

Rated X 

How ironic that today as I'm flying coach- Extreme Coach, I might add- Wizard has an interview with me about X-Men: First Class. I'm never answering interviews by phone again. I sound like I should have a slingshot in my pocket and a propeller beanie on my head. I say everything but "Dude." Still, the interviewer is a great guy and sounds like a grownup himself, at least.


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Damn Right. 

The name is GORILLA MAN. Cover of Agents of Atlas Issue 2, by Tomm Coker.


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Like a Quinn-Martin Production 

Over at All the Rage/Silver Bullet Comicbooks there looks to be some color previews of those Leonard Kirk AGENTS OF ATLAS pages. She's not mentioned, but the colorist on the book is the unmatched Michelle Madsen, who were very happy to land. She knows her stuff!


Friday, June 16, 2006


Over at Comic Book Resources, the identity of the Golden Age character we're bringing back is revealed! Thanks to Dave Richards for all the work on that feature. Whew.


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Some Post 

Did any books of mine come out yesterday? I feel like I haven't talked about myself in hours!


Monday, June 12, 2006


Remember that ongoing AGENTS OF ATLAS feature at COMIC BOOK RESOURCES? Course you do. Today's penultimate bit focuses on Jimmy Woo, because you shouldn't forget that Jimmy is an active team member. So, we dragged it out a week- Friday you'll get that mystery member the betting pool has been working overtime on. Mystery Golden Age Character. Hmmm.


Friday, June 09, 2006

I Can't Shut Up 

Sorry! If someone asks me about projects I'm writing, I talk about them! I can't help it! Such as over at NEWSARAMA, where currently you can find me and Chris Arrant discussing X-MEN FIRST CLASS (or as I like to call it, Happy X-Men or X-Men: The Salad Days).

There's a big profile on our WESTERN LEGENDS book, with lots of previews. More Coker art! And you can see this incredible Red Wolf story my pal Karl Kesel did with artist Carmine De Giandomenico. Also that smartypants Fred Van Lente (Action Philosophers) and an artist called "Homs" have a Fort Rango story. This is a very solid book throughout, you can't go wrong. Unless you hate Western stuff, of course.


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Al Wiseman The Menace 

I meant to mention this after I found it through The Comics Reporter- Bill Alger has devoted a blog to one of my favorite cartoonists, Al Wiseman. Even as a tiny child I could tell Wiseman's work from the other artists on the Dennis the Menace comicbooks, though I didn't know who drew it. I probably didn't even acknowledge that someone did draw them, I just knew certain books had the "Good Dennis". His work is so full of life, clean and well designed it just blows all the muddled art you've seen in modern comics out of your mind. And when I work on material where I can get away with it, I try to channel Wiseman's influence as much as possible. Obviously the greatest disciple of him is Jaime Hernandez. What's great is that you can still find those Dennis comics easily at shows, often in quarter bins (comics used to be popular, and they made a lot of them at Fawcett!). The travel specials like Dennis the Menace in Mexico often turn up intact because they're BIG. Go look at the blog, which features a lot of work I never knew about- what a great service, I hope he has time to keep it up.


Sunday, June 04, 2006

Toth Obit in LA Times 

The LA Times has a very nice obituary on Alex Toth today. Good work.


Saturday, June 03, 2006


That is, MARVEL BOY. The AGENTS OF ATLAS profile on him is up at COMIC BOOK RESOURCES now. Put on your wristbands and zip on over there.


Of Course I'm Jean Grey 

You Are Jean Grey

Although your fate is often unknown, you always seem to survive (even after death).
Your mind is your greatest weapon, literally!

Powers: telepathy and telekinesis, the ability to project thoughts into the mind of others, communication with animals
Which of the X-Men Are You?

What I don't get is the one where you click who you find sexy- I select Jean. So Jean is just hooked on herself? Whatever, I'm really powerful. And HOT.


Friday, June 02, 2006

X-MEN First Class All The Way 

Well dang, it seems I'm writing an X-Men book. That's a link to me talking about it with Jen at THE PULSE.

And hey, MARVEL ADVENTURES FANTASTIC FOUR got nominated for a Harvey!

Also, sometime today the Marvel Boy profile should go up at Comic Book Resources, but nothing so far.


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