
Channel the entity "Jeff Parker" from beyond the Ether

Friday, June 09, 2006

I Can't Shut Up 

Sorry! If someone asks me about projects I'm writing, I talk about them! I can't help it! Such as over at NEWSARAMA, where currently you can find me and Chris Arrant discussing X-MEN FIRST CLASS (or as I like to call it, Happy X-Men or X-Men: The Salad Days).

There's a big profile on our WESTERN LEGENDS book, with lots of previews. More Coker art! And you can see this incredible Red Wolf story my pal Karl Kesel did with artist Carmine De Giandomenico. Also that smartypants Fred Van Lente (Action Philosophers) and an artist called "Homs" have a Fort Rango story. This is a very solid book throughout, you can't go wrong. Unless you hate Western stuff, of course.


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